A Christmas Miracle – Social Media Style

Christmas is done so I’ve moved onto the husband’s birthday (He’s a January child…..*sigh*) anyway, I was researching for his present on Google with no success and then I thought I’d try twitter to see if I could find a link to the type of present I want to buy him. (This is not as complicated a present as it sounds, I just need to know if I can buy it…..). On twitter I fell over something completely random which I’m yet to fully read, but so far, it’s got some really cool stuff!

When I set up this blog I talked about how lucky I am to have this job. It is the bringing together of all my passions, and experiences into one productive and creative position! I have to say though, the serendipitous nature of the events that are occurring with this job make me think that fate might be real. It is seriously starting to feel like all the choices I’ve made in the jobs I’ve had have been working towards where I am today.

I am in a job I love, learning about stuff I’m passionate about, working out cunning plans, achieving positive, tangible outcomes and now, social media is working to show me more avenues to explore. Seriously, does employment ever get better than this? Hmmm….maybe if I was actually teaching. I still miss teaching students.

I’m laughing as I read that last paragraph. Even when I’m happiest I still have to whine. For those of you that know me – that’s no surprise!

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Life of Chaz

Exploring What Captivates, Inspires, and Intrigues.

The Piping Shrike

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Further Tales of Adventure From Our Glamorous Rural Lifestyle

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Fighters Circle

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Connect. Lead. Change.

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Haas | Learning

Searching for Signals Amidst the Noise


Present is Prologue

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